Caucasus Summer School

Tri-national project between universities in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Germany

Students from Azerbaijan, Georgia and Germany

Gain experience in international project groups

Increase individual development and job market prospects


Gathering international experience, working together in intercultural teams, applying business knowledge and improving personal job market opportunities – these are the goals of the annual Caucasus Summer School.

The Summer School takes place alternately in Azerbaijan and Georgia. In addition to teaching units at the partner universities, practical student assignments in local companies are a central component.


Good Persistence

Since the first Caucasus Summer School in 2016, the event has been held annually in September, alternating between Baku and Tbilisi. Even the Covid 19 pandemic did not cause a break in the summer of 2020, but moved the Summer School into virtual space and provided new approaches and project impulses. What remains constant is a triad of teaching, excursion and project work in companies.

In the course of time, the format as well as the number of involved partner universities, partner companies and sponsors have constantly developed. We are always open to new ideas and impulses and will continue to expand the international network in the future.

Good Reasons

A survey among the participants of the Caucasus Summer School 2018 showed:

93% of the participants have acquired specialist knowledge and noticed an improvement in their entrepreneurial knowledge.

100% of the participants can recommend the summer school to others.

The following was highlighted:

  • Broadening personal horizons
  • International networking
  • Better job opportunities


All the feedback and reported experiences have been positive. The mixture of excursions, teaching units and independent project work knows how to please and invites to a continuous repetition. This takes place annually in September. Here is a small selection of the feedback received.

We are already looking forward to the next project.

This Summer school, surely, exceeded all my expectations. Lectures on various relevant topics, alongside discussions and group work with students from Germany, Azerbaijan and Georgia, helped me to develop not only professional but also social skills that are necessary for my future career. Additionally, the integration of all kinds of digital tools made the whole experience more interactive and fun.
Ayan Nabiyeva
Studentische Teilnehmerin Azerbaijan State University of Economics 2021
Summer camp school was extremely interesting and also entertaining. The lectures were very informative, I gained lots of experience and knowledge. The school environment was remarkably friendly.
Ekaterine Tchilashvili
Studentische Teilnehmerin Baku Engineering University 2021
Participation in Caucasus Summer School 2021 was a really great experience for me as it gave me not only a chance of meeting and working with new, very interesting people from Germany, Azerbaijan and Georgia but also helped me better understand what expertise (soft and digital skills) is needed from us, students to become a part of the NPO family. Gathertown played a huge role in our socialization and I heard so many incredible stories from participants while playing, I believe this positive energy will stay with me forever.
Nino Bartia
Studentische Teilnehmerin Baku Engineering University 2021
It was an incredible experience for me to take part in the Summer School of Koblenz University in cooperation with a number of universities from Azerbaijan and Georgia. My teamwork, research, and leadership skills improved, and I got an idea of what qualifications employers pay attention to when accepting potential candidates. I believe that this knowledge will be very useful in my future career when applying for a job.
Afaq Ramazanova
Studentische Teilnehmerin Baku Engineering University 2020
I really enjoyed the project in Baku two years ago and I really love to see the development and the fact that I am still in touch with some of the participants. The project was one of my best international experiences and I hope to be part of project again soon.
Asif Safarli
Studentischer Koordinator Azerbaijan University 2016
After the summer school I know that a successful business person is attracted by reliable, loyal and brave persons. Even your rivals in business can be your partners in future if you have those characteristics.
Axmed Huseinov
Studentischer Teilnehmer Azerbaijan University 2018
I am really happy because I was participating in 2 summer schools. The summer schools improved my teamwork skills, problem-solving skills and creative thinking skills. It was amazing to work with international students in the summer school.
Ayaz Mirzeyev
Studentischer Teilnehmer Azerbaijan University 2018,2019
Die gesamte Projektphase wurde durch das Team des RheinAhrCampus professionell gestaltet. Das positive Feedback der Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer vor Ort bestätigt diesen Eindruck zusätzlich. Wir sind gerne auch im nächsten Jahr als Partner dabei.
Dr. Alexander Kiel
Vorstandsvorsitzender Leadership-Kultur-Stiftung
Der interdisziplinäre Projektansatz hat die betriebswirtschaftliche Perspektive in einen größeren interkulturellen Zusammenhang gestellt , der die Sensibilität und das Wissen aller Beteiligten für Chancen und Risiken eines globalen Arbeitsmarktes geschärft hat.
Dr. Gabriele Wolff
Projektleiterin der HS Koblenz
Das Projekt war eine sehr interessante und spannende Erfahrung. Wir haben neue Kontakte geknüpft und eine neue Kultur kennen gelernt.
Lea Kordus
Studentische Teilnehmerin der Hochschule Koblenz 2018
Although the Summer School took place online, I was able to gain new intercultural experiences and expand my international network. Through the exchange with participants from different countries I got to know completely new perspectives for approaching problems. This project was a wonderful experience and a big step for my personal development.
Jacqueline Lemgen
Studentische Teilnehmerin Hochschule Koblenz 2020
During the Summer school students from three countries, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Germany (…) had a good chance to apply their knowledge directly in practice. In addition, the holding of such trilateral programs promotes intercultural understanding and better understanding of the diversity of Azerbaijan and other participant countries.
George Buachidze
Counsellor Embassy of Georgia to the Republic of Azerbaijan
Exchanging ideas with my international friends always inspire me and help me to broaden the knowledge.
Elene Sokhadze
Studentische Teilnehmerin Tbilisi State University 2018
Es war spannend zu sehen, wie junge Leute mit unterschiedlichen lebensweltlichen Erfahrungen zusammenfanden, miteinander um Wege und Vorgehensweisen rangen, dabei voneinander lernten, Neues kreierten, Lösungen erarbeiteten und am Ende erfüllt, froh und mit vielen neuen Kompetenzen wieder zurück gingen.
Prof. Dr. Magdalena Stülb
Projektleiterin der HS Koblenz
The Summer School was challenging and definitely contributed positively to my personal and professional development. The international exchange and cooperation with students from Georgia and Azerbaijan worked perfectly with the digital tools. It also resulted in great discussions, presentations and new contacts.
Pedro Nkanga
Studentischer Teilnehmer Hochschule Koblenz 2020
I gained life-changing experience through this summer project with amazing mentors and classmates. I made new contacts, I got practical and theoretical knowledge about “the start up businesses” and I think this practice and knowledge will be relevant for my future career. Finally, I’m lucky for being participant of this summer project program.
Nutsa Jgenti
Studentische Teilnehmerin Tbilisi State University 2018
Attending on two summer schools organized by Hochschule Koblenz in different countries is a great honor for me. I have the best memories from this project, friendship with German, Georgian and Azerbaijanian students which will last forever is the most important treasure which I earned during this time.
Nino Gergeshelidze
Studentische Teilnehmerin Tbilisi State University 2018,2019
Caucasus Summer School is really unique project, which helps German, Azerbaijanian and Georgian students and academic staff to develop their relationship among each other. During the last days of summer we had 8 days full of new experience, productive lectures via Zoom and many practical exercises regarding the topics – Leadership and Employability.
Luka Kankadze
Studentischer Teilnehmer Tbilissi State University 2020
Participating in this Summer School already for the second time was a significant, life-long experience. In my opinion, joining this program will play a crucial role in moving forward in my career. These days will always stay in my mind as a beautiful memory.
Teona Edzgveradze
Studentische Teilnehmerin Tbilisi State University 2018,2019
This was indeed one of the best experiences I had. Thank you very much for such great opportunity. Thanks to faculty members and students for a great project. I will make sure to put it in practice and will keep you posted of the results.
Tamara Kvernadze
CEO Khokhobi, Praxispartner 2018


The success of the Summer School is based on the good interaction between all project partners. In addition to the universities, practice partners (commercial enterprises, non-profit organizations and associations) support the project and give students an insight into business practice in the southern Caucasus.

And of course immersing yourself in the culture is an essential aspect: traveling to the outskirts of the capital cities and doing things together help to get to know people and understand other perspectives.

Partner universities

The students gained experience in these universities during the project.

Azerbaijan University
Tbilissi State University
Azerbaijan State University of Economics
Baku Engineering University
Business and Technology University, Tbilissi

Practice partners

The students gained experience in these companies during the project.

AEGEE Baki (2021)
BUND Friends of the earth Germany (2021)
care (2021)
Caritas Azerbaijan (2021)
Caritas Georgia (2021)
CENN (2021)
Curatio (2021)
Erasmus Student Network Azerbaijan (2021)
Ekoloji Tarazlig (2021)
German Doctors (2021)
hoschul entwicklung (2021)
Sağlam Düşüncə Gənclər Təşkilatı (2021)
Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre (2021)
UN Women (2021)
Excelsior Hotel (2020)
FC Saburtalo (2020)
IGAPlus (2020)
Netafim (2020)
Socar (2020)
Smart Hotel Management (2020)
Telekom Baskets (2020)
Vispero (2020)
Wolfcraft (2020)
Ata Bank (2019)
Central Clincial Hospital (2019)
Fabrika (2019)
Initiative (2019)
Alpha (2018)
Credo Bank (2018)
ForSports (2018)
Hotel Khokhobi (2018)
Impact Hub (2017)
Access Bank (2016)
Chamber of Commerce (2016)


Many thanks to our supporters.

Auswärtiges Amt
Förderverein RheinAhrCampus


We’re always on the lookout for motivated students who are interested in international networking and broadening their horizons.

We’re also happy to welcome partners who would like to support the project and help young people improve their prospects. We make this possible. The follow-up project takes place annually in September. The planning is ongoing.

We’d be happy if you want to get involved with the project. Get in touch!


Prof. Dr. Magdalena Stülb

Dr. Gabriele Wolff

Sven Binder

Follow us

You can find the Caucasus Summer School on Facebook.